
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Test repost.

Kitty Antonik and Paul Wakfer's Cryopreservation Arrangements with A
The following message exchange is provided for information to the readers of this group and came about after extensive dialog late last year, mostly by Paul,...
paulwakfer Offline Send EmailSep 7, 2012
7:07 pm
 Re: Kitty Antonik and Paul Wakfer's Cryopreservation Arrangements wi
The following exchange with Alcor management, first received and answer by Kitty, since she is the "primary adult family member", is copied below for the...
Paul Antonik Wakfer
paulwakfer Offline Send Email
Sep 15, 2012
6:12 am
 Re: Kitty Antonik and Paul Wakfer's Cryopreservation Arrangements wi
from I can see based on this email exchange, this is an example of what I have talked about here from time to time. A conversation no one here wants to join in...
un person
unperson102 Offline Send Email
Sep 15, 2012
12:13 pm
 Re: Kitty Antonik and Paul Wakfer's Cryopreservation Arrangements wi
The cryonics movement may turn to ashes in another couple of decades any way because no one wants to discuss other looming crises, as I see them: 1. Extracting...
holyspiritde... Offline Send Email
Sep 15, 2012
3:09 pm
 Cryonics Movement (was: Kitty Antonik and Paul Wakfer's Cryopreserva
... It would have been helpful if you had given more detail about the "smoke and mirrors about nanomachines" you refer to. Ralph Merkle, who has done work on...
mkper9 Offline Send Email
Sep 19, 2012
5:17 am
 Re: Cryonics Movement (was: Kitty Antonik and Paul Wakfer's Cryopres
Mike, from what I've gathered through a five-minute google search, an atomic force microscope costs about $25,000 - $30,000, or about what you'd have to pay...
holyspiritde... Offline Send Email
Sep 19, 2012
3:27 pm
 Re: Cryonics Movement (was: Kitty Antonik and Paul Wakfer's Cryopres
... Look, you honestly don't have a clue about the problem space. No point in engaging in strawmen. Bootstrap is Really Hard, and takes a Manhattan effort...
Eugen Leitl
eugen@... Send Email
Sep 19, 2012
3:40 pm
 Re: Cryonics Movement (was: Kitty Antonik and Paul Wakfer's Cryopres
The singularity's arrival will trigger the second coming of Christ, and He will use our nanotechnology to revive the cryoncists and that will be the...
un person
unperson102 Offline Send Email
Sep 19, 2012
3:41 pm
 Re: Cryonics Movement (was: Kitty Antonik and Paul Wakfer's Cryopres
where is your EVIDENCE that spending this money is going to be worthwhile? real breakthroughs in the fundamental sciences are going to take decades, maybe...
un person
unperson102 Offline Send Email
Sep 20, 2012
2:46 am
 Re: Cryonics Movement (was: Kitty Antonik and Paul Wakfer's Cryopres
The reputation of the cryonics movement would benefit from the application of relatively cheap science, like the comprehensive data collection Mike Darwin...
holyspiritde... Offline Send Email
Sep 20, 2012
3:02 am
 Re: Cryonics Movement (was: Kitty Antonik and Paul Wakfer's Cryopres
what benefits, specifically, and how much money and how much time away would they be? Hey, you are the empiricism dude. Cite the evidence! ...
un person
unperson102 Offline Send Email
Sep 20, 2012
3:05 am
 Re: Cryonics Movement (was: Kitty Antonik and Paul Wakfer's Cryopres
un person wrote... ... Stop being silly. Everyone should want to see improved financing of research from within the organization's own budget, to the extent...
tauruslondono Offline Send Email
Sep 20, 2012
11:50 am
 Re: Cryonics Movement (was: Kitty Antonik and Paul Wakfer's Cryopres
holyspiritdenier wrote... ... Just an aside here, but... I think that many technological advances happen incrementally enough that, over the course of the...
tauruslondono Offline Send Email
Sep 20, 2012
4:01 pm
 Re: Cryonics Movement (was: Kitty Antonik and Paul Wakfer's Cryopres
... [...] ... As a matter of fact, yes I do. Keep in mind, "science fiction" does not mean the Singularity! We don't have near all we'd like yet, but we've...
mkper9 Offline Send Email
Sep 21, 2012
5:22 am
 Re: Cryonics Movement (was: Kitty Antonik and Paul Wakfer's Cryopres
I've just watch an episode form the original Star Trek series. We don't have teleporters or space warp (yet) but we better cell phones than they had and we...
marta sandberg
martasandberg99@... Send Email
Sep 21, 2012
5:43 am
 Re: Cryonics Movement (was: Kitty Antonik and Paul Wakfer's Cryopres
Having recently moved house, I'm reminded of other kinds of progress that may not seem exciting but are real and substantial in terms of cost savings. For...
Max More
maxmore_2001 Offline Send Email
Sep 21, 2012
6:07 am
 Re: Cryonics Movement (was: Kitty Antonik and Paul Wakfer's Cryopres
Science fiction can refer to mutually incompatible visions of "the future," hence we see both dystopias, including civilizational collapses, along with ...
holyspiritde... Offline Send Email
Sep 22, 2012
4:30 pm
 Re: Cryonics Movement (was: Kitty Antonik and Paul Wakfer's Cryopres
... case in point: it is much easier now than a decade or two>ago to do music on your computer that sounds like an orchestra is playing it.>I've done a lot of...
enoonsti Offline Send Email
Sep 22, 2012
9:27 am
 Re: Cryonics Movement (was: Kitty Antonik and Paul Wakfer's Cryopres
... [...] ... I spoke to Max today. He is going to do a writeup that will cover the basic issue Mark raises. Meanwhile I can report briefly as follows. The...
mkper9 Offline Send Email
Sep 20, 2012
6:30 am
 Re: Cryonics Movement (was: Kitty Antonik and Paul Wakfer's Cryopres
I have commented in Religion and Cryonics. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Religion_and_Cryonics/ -- Sincerely, John de Rivaz: http://John.deRivaz.com ... From:...
John de Rivaz
longevityrpt Offline Send Email
Sep 20, 2012
3:56 pm
 Re: Cryonics Movement (was: Kitty Antonik and Paul Wakfer's Cryopres
I just uploaded dozens of files to the Religion and Cryonics group. These files contain over 100 bible quotes that not only support cryonics, but demand it,...
un person
unperson102 Offline Send Email
Sep 22, 2012
2:07 pm
 Re: Cryonics Movement (was: Kitty Antonik and Paul Wakfer's Cryopres
I have a bible verse which obviously refers to neuro patients: Revelation 20:4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and...
holyspiritde... Offline Send Email
Sep 22, 2012
3:09 pm
 Re: Cryonics Movement (was: Kitty Antonik and Paul Wakfer's Cryopres
I have commented in http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Religion_and_Cryonics/ -- Sincerely, John de Rivaz: http://John.deRivaz.com ... From: holyspiritdenier To:...
John de Rivaz
longevityrpt Offline Send Email
Sep 23, 2012
8:00 am
 Re: whole body transplant done in India?
un person wrote... http://www.ndtv.com/video/player/news/major-breakthrough-full-body-transplant/195256 Obviously a hoax, but as goofy as the media coverage...
tauruslondono Offline Send Email
Sep 23, 2012
2:53 pm
 Re: whole body transplant done in India?
Note the date: Published On: April 1, 2011 and in the video it said "On this day next year ..." -- Sincerely, John de Rivaz: http://John.deRivaz.com ... From:...
John de Rivaz
longevityrpt Offline Send Email
Sep 23, 2012
3:21 pm
 Re: whole body transplant done in India?
...   Published On: April 1, 2011   and in the video it said "On this day next year ..."< I'm pretty embarrassed   I went for it. Bruce ... Published On:...
Bruce Rappaport
brucerappapo... Offline Send Email
Sep 24, 2012
4:02 pm
 Re: whole body transplant done in India?
Some years ago (1980s) a woman in Wales, upon reading of my interest in cryonics, proudly sent me a newspaper article she had found about how people were being...
John de Rivaz
longevityrpt Offline Send Email
Sep 24, 2012
4:18 pm
 Re: Kitty Antonik and Paul Wakfer's Cryopreservation Arrangements wi
Dear Unperson, I am very reluctant to join this conversation as I do not want to do anything to reignite a cryo-war, but I need to take issue on one point. I...
marta sandberg
martasandberg99@... Send Email
Sep 17, 2012
7:51 am
 Re: Kitty Antonik and Paul Wakfer's Cryopreservation Arrangements wi
Marta- There are surely many factors that contribute to the quality of the cryopreservation of any individual per se, from standby to storage. Aside from...

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