Senior and authoritative Cryonicist Mark Plus posted an update citing Aaron's own website.
Here is the photo posted by Aaron... and reposted by Mark, a Venturist-- the Venturists being the fund raising organization stumping for Aaron, although Mark doesn't make that quite clear.

Below that is the little girls blue sleeve apparently extending up but her hand at the top is displaced from the arm for an impossible twisted angle.

The little girl looking up had what appears to be a deformed ear. The earlobe at the bottom appears to be flat and square. The entire ear itself seems to angle out of the head at a 90 degree angle!
Again, as in a previous family photo from Aaron, we see Gwen's head appears to be a significantly different colour than her neck. The line around the head makes it appear to be pasted on. How can she be tanned on the face, like this, yet have a white neck?

Again, behind Aaron we see the brown shadow and it somehow blends with what could be the couch.

Here's another anomaly.. the apparent pillow with a picture of a palm tree on it has no border. Is it a pillow?
Further discussion--
AARON WINBORN Venturist Charity Cryonics Case and the Mystery of the Extra Hand
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